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49 South Serpentine Avenue
Hot Springs, NC

(828) 206-1487

Offering vacation rental cabins in Hot Springs, NC.


Learn about local happenings in Hot Springs NC!


Natalie Hesed


September is a fantastic month to seek out the fungal "flowers" of Appalachia...mushrooms! We enjoy many edible mushrooms from the area, including various Lactarius species, boletes, and chantrelles. Of all of the mushrooms, chantrelles are probably our favorite! 

After harvesting, we clean off any dirt with a dry brush. Sometimes we use water if necessary, but it can make the cooked product a bit "mushier" which we don't prefer. Then, we heat up some butter and toss in the mushrooms, perhaps with some garlic from our garden. Ten minutes of sauteing produces a wonderful mushroom dish that is great on its own or with fresh sourdough bread!

Safety Note: We encourage all of our guests to venture forth and explore the many mushrooms in our area, but we do recommend that before consuming any mushrooms that you consult with an expert OR reference multiple mushroom ID books to ensure a positive ID.
